left side: Biographical Text(Text ID MS5IVKXE5NERVBDPLURKGARAF4)

Persistent URL: https://thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae.de/text/MS5IVKXE5NERVBDPLURKGARAF4

Data type: Subtext

Comment on language:
Mittelägyptisch und literarisches Neuägyptisch

Comment on dating:

  • 5 cartouches of Ramesses II on the shoulders and on the sistrum.

Information on line/column count

  • Zeilenzählung nach Clère A-G = KRI III und VII i-vi (A = ii; B = iii; C-D = i; E = iv; F = v; G = vi)


  • – J.J. Clère, Les chauves d'Hathor (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 63), Leuven 1995, 87–92, pls. VI–VII [= pp. 93-94] and 224 (document B’) [*P,H,Ü,K,B; translations by Posener-Krieger]
  • – J. Lipińska, The temple of Tuthmosis III: statuary and votive monuments (Deir el-Bahari 4), Varsovie 1984, 21–24 (no. 18) and 91 (figs. 66-68) [P,F,Ü,K]
  • – KRI III, 274–275 (right side of statue) [H]
  • – KRI VII, 128 (left side of statue) [H]
  • – E. Frood, Biographical Texts from Ramesside Egypt (Writings from the Ancient World 26), Atlanta 2007, 189-191 [Ü]
  • – PM II², 379 [B]
  • – RITA III, 195 (right side of statue) [Ü]
  • – L. Dabrowski, Preliminary Report on the Reconstruction Works of the Hatshepsut Temple at Deir el Bahari During the 1961-1962 Season, in: ASAE 58, 1964, 37-60 and pls. I-IX (here: 47) [K]
  • – J. Lipińska, List of the objects found at Deir el-Bahari temple of Thutmosis III Season 1961-1962, in: ASAE 59, 1966, 63-98, figs. 1-2 and pls. I-XXXI (here: 67 [no. 1] and pl. I) [P in Dreiviertelprofil rechte Körperseite]
  • – J. Lipińska, Inscriptions of Amenemone from the Temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari, in: ZÄS 96, 1970, 28-30 (here: 28-29 with translation of the right side of the statue) [Ü]
  • – J. Lipińska, Amenemone, Builder of the Ramesseum, in: Études et Travaux 3, 1969, 41-49 (here: 42-47 with translation of the right side of the statue) [P,H,Ü]
  • – J. Lipińska, Studia nad świątynią Totmesa III w Deir el-Bahari, in: M.L. Bernhard and L. W. Stefaniak (eds), Studia z Archeologii Azji Przedniej i Starożytnego Wschodu, Kraków 1970, 5-36 (right side of the statue) [non vidi]
  • – G. Pinch, Votive offerings to Hathor, Oxford 1993, 334 and fig. 18 [Ü, F aus Lipińska 1984] (left side of statue)
  • – J. F. Romano (ed), The Luxor Museum of Ancient Egyptian Art: catalogue. Cairo 1979, 148-149 (figs. 120-121) (cat. 227) [P, Drieviertelansicht rechte Körperhälfte und Oberseite]
  • – R. Schulz, Die Entwicklung und Bedeutung des kuboiden Statuentypus (Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 33-34), Hildesheim 1992, Vol. I, pp. 408-409 no. 240; Vol. II, pl. 105a-b [P,K] (Fotos Vorderseite und Oberseite)
  • – M. Trapani, La carriera di Imeneminet, soprintendente ai lavori di Ramesse II, in: Bulletin de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève 19, 1995, 49-68 (here: 52–53, 56–58, fig. 2 on p. 57 (right side of statue)) [K, Ü der Biografie F]
  • – M. Ullmann, Die Häuser der Millionen von Jahren (Ägypten und Altes Testament 51), Wiesbaden 2002, pp. 365–369 (no. 7.28) [K]
  • – M. Valloggia, Recherche sur les "messagers" (wpwtyw) dans les sources égyptiennes profanes (Hautes Études Orientales 6), Genève 1976, p. 134-135 (no. 82) [Ü, Auszug F.3-9]

File protocol

  • – Elizabeth Frood: Transcription, translation, metadata, notes (data entered by P. Dils), 11.11.2022
  • – Peter Dils: Lemmatisation and grammatical encoding according to the transcription and translation by Frood; hieroglyphic encoding based on photographs, 19.11.2022

Author(s): Elizabeth Frood; with contributions by: Peter Dils
Data file created: 11/19/2022, latest revision: 11/27/2022
Editorial state: Verified

Please cite as:

(Full citation)
Elizabeth Frood, with contributions by Peter Dils, "Biographical Text" (Text ID MS5IVKXE5NERVBDPLURKGARAF4) <https://thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae.de/text/MS5IVKXE5NERVBDPLURKGARAF4>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Corpus issue 18, Web app version 2.1.5, 7/26/2023, ed. by Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils on behalf of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)
(Short citation)
https://thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae.de/text/MS5IVKXE5NERVBDPLURKGARAF4, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)