معرف الرمز المميز IBUBd6ysP1nXn0pautogEONl5EU
[... ...] your nꜥ-cattle (?).
nꜥ: Fecht, Der Vorwurf an Gott, 30 denkt an nꜥꜥ: "das Beste von etwas". Helck scheint in n ꜥ.pl=tn abzutrennen: "[vom Besten] eurer Listen", aber ꜥ hat nicht die Schreibutensilien als Determinativ.
The base meaning of nꜥꜥ is "be smooth" (Westendorf 1957: 297); the suggested occasional meaning 'fine, good quality' (suggested here by Fecht 1972: 30) rests on one instance in the Kamose stela: "the nꜥꜥ of their fields are ploughed for us" (Helck 1983: 85). It is a little more likely that here the word refers to a particular type of cattle; a white calf is called nꜥꜥ in the tomb of nomarch Baqet III at Beni Hasan (Newberry 1893b: pl. 7), and a cow(hide?) is nꜥ in a broken context in a 21st dynasty list (Spiegelberg 1917: 22). Many rare names for cattle with different marking patterns are known from the 13th dynasty Ramesseum Ostracon (Gardiner 1947 vol. 2: p. 23) and later sources (see Helck 1961-69: 284). A 'fine' or 'unblemished' cow would be suitable for ritual slaughter. (see: R. Enmarch, forthcoming, A World Upturned: The Ancient Egyptian Dialogue of Ipuwer and the Lord of All. To appear in the British Academy Postdoctoral Monograph Series).
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(الاقتباس الكامل)Roland Enmarch، مع مساهمات من قبل Altägyptisches Wörterbuch، Peter Dils، Florence Langermann، Billy Böhm، Lutz Popko، Daniel A. Werning، معرف الرمز المميز IBUBd6ysP1nXn0pautogEONl5EU <https://thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae.de/sentence/token/IBUBd6ysP1nXn0pautogEONl5EU>، في: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae، إصدار المتن ١۹، إصدار تطبيق الويب ١.٢.٢، ٢٠٢٥/٢/١٤ ، نُشر بواسطة Tonio Sebastian Richter و Daniel A. Werning نيابة عن Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (أكاديمية برلين-براندنبورغ للعلوم والإنسانيات) و Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert و Peter Dils نيابة عن Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (الأكاديمية الساكسونية للعلوم والإنسانيات في لايبزيغ) (تم الوصول: xx.xx.20xx)(الاقتباس المختصر)
https://thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae.de/sentence/token/IBUBd6ysP1nXn0pautogEONl5EU، في: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (تم الوصول: xx.xx.20xx)
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