Stela of Neferabu (London BM EA 589)(Objekt-ID IG4PYD7XM5AU7JMJUVCZUC2TQU)

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Datentyp: Objekt

Objekttyp: rundbogige Stele

Material: Kalkstein

Maße (H×B(×T)): 39 × 28 cm

  • Fundort

    • westliches Ufer
      Kommentar zu diesem Ort: Neferabu's title “servant in the Place of Truth” designates him as a workman from the village of Deir el-Medina.Neferabu owned a finely decorated tomb in the Deir el-Medina necropolis (TT5) as well as dedicating a number of votive objects in local chapels. This stela has no archaeological findspot, but the dedication to Ptah might suggest that it was set up in the cave sanctuary, oratory, for this deity located on the path running south-west from the village to the Valley of the Queens. The stela was bought in Thebes.

Aktueller Ort

  • British Museum
    Inventarnummer(n): EA 589
    Ist an diesem Ort: Ja
    Kommentar zu diesem Ort:
    The stela was acquired by the Earl of Belmore in the Theban area, and came to the British Museum through his collection in 1843 (James 1970, 36).

Kommentar zur Datierung:

  • Neferabu is attested on two ostraca from the village of Deir el-Medina that bear dates in years 36 and 40 (Davies 1999, 158), indicating that he was active in the middle of the 66-year reign of Ramesses II.

Besitzer: Privatperson

Kommentar zum kulturellen Kontext

  • cultural context: commemorative object


  • – James, T. G. H. 1970. Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, etc., part 9. London, 36 and pl. 31-31A [P,*H,K]
  • – KRI III, 771-772 [*H]
  • – Gunn, Battiscombe 1916. The religion of the poor in ancient Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 3 (2/3), 81-94 (here: 88-89, no. VI) [Ü]
  • – Lichtheim, Miriam 1976. Ancient Egyptian literature. A book of readings, volume II: The New Kingdom. Los Angeles, 109-110 [Ü]
  • – Assmann, Jan 1999. Ägyptische Hymnen und Gebete: übersetzt, kommentiert und eingeleitet, 2nd rev. and extended ed. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis ([Sonderband]). Freiburg (Schweiz) / Göttingen, 377–378 (no. 150) [Ü]
  • – Kitchen, K. A. 2000. Ramesside inscriptions, translated & annotated: translations, volume III. Ramesses II, his contemporaries. Oxford, 517-518 [Ü]
  • – Vandier, La tombe de Nefer-abou (MIFAO 69), Le Caire, 1, 3, 49, 74-75 and pl. XXVI [P,Ü,K]
  • – PM I², 2, 728 [B]
  • (12.11.2022) [*P]
  • Other bibliographical references:
  • – Baines, John and Elizabeth Frood 2011. Piety, change and display in the New Kingdom. In Collier, Mark and Steven Snape (eds), Ramesside studies in honour of K. A. Kitchen, Bolton, 1-17
  • – Borghouts, J. F. 1982. Divine intervention in ancient Egypt and its manifestation (bAw). In Demarée, R. J. and Jac. J. Janssen (eds), Gleanings from Deir el-Medîna, Leiden, 1-70
  • – Davies, Benedict G. 1999. Who’s who at Deir el-Medina: a prosopographic study of the royal workmen’s community. Egyptologische Uitgaven 13, Leiden
  • – Galán, José M. 1999. Seeing darkness. Chronique d'Égypte 74 (147), 18-30
  • – Luiselli, Maria Michela 2019. The interaction of visual narration with performance: three examples from New Kingdom Egypt. In Wagner-Durand, Elisabeth, Barbara Fath, and Alexander Heinemann (eds), Image – narration – context: visual narration in cultures and societies of the Old World, Heidelberg, 273-289


  • – Elizabeth Frood, Transcription, translation, metadata, notes (data entered by P. Dils), 12.11.2022
  • – Peter Dils, Lemmatisation and grammatical encoding according to the transcription and translation by Frood; hieroglyphic encoding based on photographs, 12.11.2022

Autor:innen: Elizabeth Frood; unter Mitarbeit von: Peter Dils
Datensatz erstellt: 12.01.2015, letzte Revision: 13.11.2022

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Elizabeth Frood, unter Mitarbeit von Peter Dils, "Stela of Neferabu (London BM EA 589)" (Objekt-ID IG4PYD7XM5AU7JMJUVCZUC2TQU) <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Korpus-Ausgabe 19, Web-App-Version 2.2.1, 14.2.2025, hrsg. von Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning im Auftrag der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (Zugriff am: xx.xx.20xx)
(Kurzzitation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (Zugriff am: xx.xx.20xx)