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the houses and the cities of eternity,
the excellent desert plateau of gods,
superior in offerings to any other place on which this god has rested,
the great seat of the thrones of Geb,
the hiding place of (oder: which conceals) the mysteries of Abydos,
equal to the house of Anubis,
toward which Re, (that is) his face, shines.
{{⸢j⸣}} ḥꜣ.tj.PL-ꜥ sḥḏ.PL-ḥm.PL-nṯr jm.j.PL-ḫnt ḏd =ṯn ḫꜣ tʾ ḥ(n)q.t kꜣ(.PL) ꜣpd(.PL) šs(.PL) mnḫ.t(.PL) ab hier in Kolumnen innerhalb der Zeile angeordnet r rʾ-pr n Rꜥ Ḫnt.j-jmn.t Wp-wꜣ.t.PL Šw Tfn.t Ḏḥ H̱nm.w Zkr Ḥmn 8 Gb Nw.t Mnw Jni̯-ḥr.t Jmn Ptḥ Ḫm.y Ḥr.w rs.j Ḥr.w mḥ.tj Psḏ.t.PL Nj.t Ḥq.t Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w Jnp(.w) Ꜣs.t Nb.t-ḥw.t Zby.t Ende der Kolumnenstruktur innerhalb der Zeile n kꜣ n(.j) ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.PL-nṯr Wp-wꜣ.t.PL-ꜥꜣ jm.j-ḫnt-ꜥꜣ-m-ꜣbḏw 9 ḫnt(.j) jꜣw.t.PL m ḥw.t-nṯr nfr mẖr.w.PL m pr nb =f jwn wꜥ sbꜣ(.w) sšm.w mꜣꜥ zft m 10 ḥw.t-nṯr m ẖr.t-hrw n.t rꜥ-nb jm.j-rʾ-ḥm〈.PL〉-nṯr Wp-wꜣ.t.PL-ꜥꜣ
a thousand of bread and beer, bulls and fowl, alabaster and linen
for the temple of Re, Khentamenti, Wepwawet, Shu, Tefnut, Thot, Khnum, Sokar, Hemen, Geb, Nut, Min, Onuris, Amun, Ptah, Khemy, Southern and Northern Horus, Wengyt, the Ennead, Neith, Heket, Hathor, Anubis, Isis, Nephthys and Sebyt,
to the ka of the count and overseer of priests, Wepwawetaa, great chamberlain in Abydos, foremost of offices in the temple, perfect in affairs in the house of his lord, sole pillar, teacher of righteous conduct, who slaughters in the temple in the course of every day, overseer of priests, Wepwawetaa.
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