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Attestation Search Results
ḫꜣ tʾ ḥnq.t kꜣ ꜣpd šs mnḫ.t A.x+10c r rʾ-pr A.x+10d Rꜥw A.x+10e Ḫnt.j-jmn.tjw A.x+10f Wp-wꜣ.t.PL A.x+10g Šw Tfn.t A.x+10h Ḏḥw.tj A.x+10i H̱nm.w A.x+10j Zkr A.x+10k Ḥmn A.x+10l Gb(b) Nw.t A.x+10m Mnw A.x+10n Jni̯-ḥr.t A.x+10o Jmn A.x+10p Ptḥ A.x+10q Jnp.w A.x+10r Ḫm.y A.x+10s Ḥr.w rs.j Ḥr.w mḥ.t(j) A.x+10t Wng.y(t) A.x+10u Psḏ.t A.x+10v Nj.t A.x+10w Ḥq.t A.x+10x Ḥw.t-Ḥr A.x+10y Rp(w).t A.x+10z ꜣs.t A.x+10aa Sby.t A.x+10ab n jmꜣḫ(.y) (j)m(.j)-rʾ-ꜥb ꜥb-kꜣ.PL mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
A.3 jr.j-pꜥ.t ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ ḫtm.w-bj.tj smr-wꜥ.tj jm.j-rʾ-ꜥb-wḥm.t-šw(.t)-nšm.t jm.j-rʾ-šnw.tj jm.j-rʾ-zš.DU zꜣb ꜥḏ-mr-z(my).t.PL-⸮⸢nb(.t)⸣? ḥr.j [___] m-⸮ḫnt? tꜣ-___ mḥ-jb-nswt m spꜣ.t.PL rsj.t.PL mḥ šnꜥ.PL nṯr.PL A.4 sḏfꜣ ḫꜣw.t.PL sꜥḥ.PL ḫrp ꜥq.PL ḥꜣb.yt jmꜣm-⸮ꜥ? m rʾ-pr.PL nṯr.PL Šmꜥ.w (Tꜣ)-mḥ.w ḥr.j-tp snb nswt r nḥḥ jrr mꜣ.w n(.j) r(m)ṯ.PL pꜣ.t mnmn.t.PL A.5 nb.t ḏḏ ḥbs.PL wḏ ꜥq.PL n smd.t jm.j.t pr-nswt ḏḏ wr.PL ḥr ṯjꜣ.w.PL =sn wpp mr.t sꜥḥ.PL A.6 dd ẖr.t zbi̯.t n jy.t mr.y nb =f mꜣꜥ ḥz.y =f n(.j)-s.t-jb =f jrr ḥzz.t =f nb.t m ẖr.t-hrw n.t rꜥ-nb jmꜣḫ(.w) (j)m(.j)-rʾ-pr Jni̯-jt=f msi̯.n Zꜣ.t-Jmn mꜣꜥ-ḫrw ḏd =f
seal-bearer and sole friend (of the king),
overseer of horns, hooves, feathers and scales,
overseer of the two granaries, overseer of the two ponds,
senior administrator of all(?) the deserts,
master of ...?... in the Land of ...?...,
a trusted one of the king in the southern districts,
one who fills the magazines of the gods, one who endows the altars of dignitaries,
who provides the loaves of the festive offerings,
one charming in the temples of the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt,
supervisor of the health of the king for eternity,
one who carries out inspection of the people, offering bread(?) and all cattle,
who gives clothes and assigns provisions to the personnel of (lit. who are in) the royal palace,
who places the great ones to (lit. "upon") their jubilation,
who divides the underlings and (i.e. "from") the dignitaries,
who gives a part of that which passed to that which comes,
one truly beloved of his lord, his praised and trusted one,
who does what he praises in the course of every day,
the dignified chamberlain Antef, born of Satamun, justified, he says:
{{⸢j⸣}} ḥꜣ.tj.PL-ꜥ sḥḏ.PL-ḥm.PL-nṯr jm.j.PL-ḫnt ḏd =ṯn ḫꜣ tʾ ḥ(n)q.t kꜣ(.PL) ꜣpd(.PL) šs(.PL) mnḫ.t(.PL) ab hier in Kolumnen innerhalb der Zeile angeordnet r rʾ-pr n Rꜥ Ḫnt.j-jmn.t Wp-wꜣ.t.PL Šw Tfn.t Ḏḥw.tj H̱nm.w Zkr Ḥmn 8 Gb Nw.t Mnw Jni̯-ḥr.t Jmn Ptḥ Ḫm.y Ḥr.w rs.j Ḥr.w mḥ.tj Wng.yt Psḏ.t.PL Nj.t Ḥq.t Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w Jnp(.w) Ꜣs.t Nb.t-ḥw.t Zby.t Ende der Kolumnenstruktur innerhalb der Zeile n kꜣ n(.j) ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.PL-nṯr Wp-wꜣ.t.PL-ꜥꜣ jm.j-ḫnt-ꜥꜣ-m-ꜣbḏw 9 ḫnt(.j) jꜣw.t.PL m ḥw.t-nṯr nfr mẖr.w.PL m pr nb =f jwn wꜥ sbꜣ(.w) sšm.w mꜣꜥ zft m 10 ḥw.t-nṯr m ẖr.t-hrw n.t rꜥ-nb jm.j-rʾ-ḥm〈.PL〉-nṯr Wp-wꜣ.t.PL-ꜥꜣ
a thousand of bread and beer, bulls and fowl, alabaster and linen
for the temple of Re, Khentamenti, Wepwawet, Shu, Tefnut, Thot, Khnum, Sokar, Hemen, Geb, Nut, Min, Onuris, Amun, Ptah, Khemy, Southern and Northern Horus, Wengyt, the Ennead, Neith, Heket, Hathor, Anubis, Isis, Nephthys and Sebyt,
to the ka of the count and overseer of priests, Wepwawetaa, great chamberlain in Abydos, foremost of offices in the temple, perfect in affairs in the house of his lord, sole pillar, teacher of righteous conduct, who slaughters in the temple in the course of every day, overseer of priests, Wepwawetaa.
Z.1 tꜣš rs(.j) jri̯.y m rnp.t-zp 8 ḫr ḥm n(.j) nswt-bj.tj Ḫꜥi̯-⸢kꜣ.w⸣-Rꜥ ḏi̯ ꜥnḫ ḏ.t Z.2 r nḥḥ r tm rḏi̯ sni̯ sw nḥs(.j) nb m-ḫd Z.3 m ḥrti̯ m kꜣj mnmn.t nb.t n(.j).t Z.4 nḥs(.j).PL wpw-ḥr nḥs(.j) jwi̯.t(j) =f(j) r jri̯.t swn.t m Jqn Z.5 m wpw.t rʾ-pw jri̯.{t}tw 〈(j)ḫ.t〉 nb.t nfr(.t) ḥnꜥ =sn nn swt rḏi̯.t Z.6 swꜣi̯ kꜣj n(.j) nḥs(.j).PL m-ḫd ḥr Ḥḥ r nḥḥ
um zu verhindern, dass irgendein Nubier sie in nördlicher Richtung überquert,
sei es zu Lande (lit. im Reisen zu Lande), sei es in einem kꜣj-Schiff,
(sei es) irgendwelches Vieh der Nubier,
außer dem Nubier, der kommen wird, um Handel zu treiben in Jqen oder (der kommt) in Mission,
indem man jede gute 〈Sache〉 tut zusammen mit ihnen (d.h. sie gut behandelt),
ohne freilich zuzulassen, dass ein kꜣj-Schiff der Nubier nordwärts Heh (=Semna) passiert, ewiglich.
Türrolleninschrift der 4. Nische 4R (j)r(.j)-pꜥ(.t) [ḥꜣ.t(j)-ꜥ] [ḫtm(.w)-bjtj] [smr-wꜥ.t(j)] [(j)m(.j)-r(ʾ)-pr-wr] [H̱nm.w-ḥtp] [ꜥq] [=k] [m] [rw.t] [rs.t] [ḥmsi̯] [=k] [jmj] [=s] [wr] [js]
Seine Majestät richtet die Südgrenze bei Semna ein.
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