Token ID ICMDCKb0XA66SUeds0ErIQlhOpo
as it was ordained to be.
sr: Both Assmann (1978, 29 d) and Seyfried (1995, 72 b) note the form of E17 𓃥 with an unusually long neck, which they read as sr. Despite Seyfried’s comment that only the neck is disproportionate for E27 𓃱, the sign appears canine in form. Angela McDonald (McDonald, Angela 2002. Animal metaphor in the Egyptian determinative system: three case studies. Doctoral thesis, University of Oxford, 2002, 183–7) discusses occurrences of sr written with a dog determinative or with an animal resembling the Seth animal. Among her examples is sr on a 12th Dynasty stela of Sarenput in the Heqaib sanctuary at Aswan, in a dedicatory context comparable to Djehutyemheb’s: ‘I proclaimed that which is ahead (sr.n(=j) ḥr ḫnt) and I enhanced (it) for what is to come’ (McDonald 2002, 185). Here, sr is clearly written with a dog determinative (Habachi, Labib 1985. Elephantine IV: the Sanctuary of Heqaib, 2 vols. Archäologische Veröffentlichungen, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo 33. Mainz: Zabern, 36, No. 9, l. 12). McDonald (2002, 186) considers that where a canine or Seth determinative is used, the connotation of noise is stressed. sr is thus characterized as a loud announcement, preceding the event itself. Although I follow Assmann and Seyfried in translating sr as ‘foretold’, ‘announced’ is also possible. The sign’s indeterminate form may lay further stress on the spoken character of the message dream, complementing the powerful visual aspect of the self-presentation of the goddess and the hymn.
[Dils: Beachte, dass der Schwanz des Tieres kurz ist und der Leib nach vorn aufgerichtet (siehe Foto bei Seyfried, Taf. 21), was gegen einen Schakal oder einen anderen Kaniden spricht.] -
Loprieno (Loprieno, Antonio 1996. Defining Egyptian literature: ancient texts and modern theories. In Loprieno, Antonio (ed.), Ancient Egyptian literature: history and forms, 39-58. Leiden; New York; Köln 1996: E. J. Brill, 48) notes the word-play here between m-šꜣꜥ ‘in the beginning’ and m šꜣw ‘as ordained’ as signalling the literary character of the text. Assmann observes in his note p that m šꜣw r will refer not to creation, but rather to the creation of the tomb itself, i.e. when the tomb owner began to plan his tomb. He argues very convincingly that the tomb owner had probably begun to plan the tomb, but had not found a site.
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(Vollzitation)Elizabeth Frood, unter Mitarbeit von Peter Dils, Daniel A. Werning, Token ID ICMDCKb0XA66SUeds0ErIQlhOpo <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Korpus-Ausgabe 19, Web-App-Version 2.2.1, 14.2.2025, hrsg. von Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning im Auftrag der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (Zugriff am: xx.xx.20xx)(Kurzzitation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (Zugriff am: xx.xx.20xx)
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