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di̯ =f pr.t-ḫrw tʾ ḥnq.t kꜣ ꜣpd šs mnḫ.t ḫ.t nb.t nfr(.t) wꜥb(.t) tʾ n A.7 ḥ〈s〉b ḥ(n)q.t.PL ẖꜣm.t ḏsr.t jꜣ.tt kꜣ(.PL) rḫs(.w) snṯr ḥr sḏ.t ꜣpd.PL ḥtp.t ḏf(ꜣ).PL A.8 sṯp.t(.PL) ḥḏ.t-ḥzꜣ.t pri̯.t ḥr z(ꜣ)ṯ 〈ḥr〉 ḥtp ⸮ꜥꜣ? ẖꜣm(.t)-ḫ.t.PL n(.t) ḥw.t-nṯr ṯss.t(j) ḥr ḫꜣw.t šps.t A.9 m-bꜣḥ nṯr-ꜥꜣ m ḥꜣb.PL nb(.PL) n(.w) pr Wsjr mri̯.w ꜣḫ(.PL) wnm jm n kꜣ n Jni̯-jt=f mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
A.3 jr.j-pꜥ.t ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ ḫ smr-wꜥ.tj jm.j-rʾ-ꜥb-wḥm.t-šw(.t)-nšm.t jm.j-rʾ-š jm.j-rʾ-zš.DU zꜣb ꜥḏ-mr-z(my).t.PL-⸮⸢nb(.t)⸣? ḥr.j [___] m-⸮ḫnt? tꜣ-___ mḥ-jb-nswt m spꜣ.t.PL rsj.t.PL mḥ šnꜥ.PL nṯr.PL A.4 sḏfꜣ ḫꜣw.t.PL sꜥḥ.PL ḫrp ꜥq.PL ḥꜣ jmꜣm-⸮ꜥ? m rʾ-pr.PL nṯr.PL Šmꜥ.w (Tꜣ)-mḥ.w ḥr.j-tp snb nswt r nḥḥ jrr mꜣ.w n(.j) r(m)ṯ.PL pꜣ.t mnmn.t.PL A.5 nb.t ḏḏ ḥbs.PL wḏ ꜥq.PL n smd.t jm.j.t pr-nswt ḏḏ wr.PL ḥr ṯjꜣ.w.PL =sn wpp mr.t sꜥḥ.PL A.6 dd ẖr.t zbi̯.t n jy.t mr.y nb =f mꜣꜥ ḥz.y =f n(.j)-s.t-jb =f jrr ḥzz.t =f nb.t m ẖr.t-hrw n.t rꜥ-nb jmꜣḫ(.w) (j)m(.j)-rʾ-pr Jni̯-jt=f msi̯.n Zꜣ.t-Jmn mꜣꜥ-ḫrw ḏd =f
seal-bearer and sole friend (of the king),
overseer of horns, hooves, feathers and scales,
overseer of the two granaries, overseer of the two ponds,
senior administrator of all(?) the deserts,
master of ...?... in the Land of ...?...,
a trusted one of the king in the southern districts,
one who fills the magazines of the gods, one who endows the altars of dignitaries,
who provides the loaves of the festive offerings,
one charming in the temples of the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt,
supervisor of the health of the king for eternity,
one who carries out inspection of the people, offering bread(?) and all cattle,
who gives clothes and assigns provisions to the personnel of (lit. who are in) the royal palace,
who places the great ones to (lit. "upon") their jubilation,
who divides the underlings and (i.e. "from") the dignitaries,
who gives a part of that which passed to that which comes,
one truly beloved of his lord, his praised and trusted one,
who does what he praises in the course of every day,
the dignified chamberlain Antef, born of Satamun, justified, he says:
2 ḥtp-ḏi̯-nswt Wsjr nb-Ḏd.w ḫnt.j-jmn.t(jw) nṯr-ꜥꜣ nb-Ꜣbḏw di̯ =f pr.t-ḫrw tʾ ḥnq.t kꜣ(.PL) ꜣpd(.PL) 3 šs mnḫ.t (j)ḫ.t nb.t nfr(.t) wꜥb(.t) tʾ n(.j) ḥsb ḥ(n)q.t ẖꜣm.t ḏsr.t jꜣ.tt kꜣ.PL rḫs(.w) snṯr ḥr sḏ.t ꜣpd.PL 4 ḥtp.t ḏfꜣ.w.PL sṯp.t.PL bnrj.t ḥḏ.t-ḥzꜣ.t pri̯.t ḥr z(ꜣ)ṯ ḥr ḥtp ꜥꜣ ẖꜣm(.t)-jḫ.t n ḥw.t-nṯr ṯzz.t 5 ḥr ḫꜣw.t šps.t m-bꜣḥ Ḫnt.j-jmn.t(jw) m wꜣg ḏḥw.t(y)t hꜣkr pr.t-tp.jt pr.t-ꜥꜣ.t wp.t-rnp.t ḏꜣ.t-nṯr rkḥ 6 tp.j-rnp.t ꜣbd smd-n.t ḥ(ꜣ)b-Zkr sꜣḏ pr.t-Mnw sḏr.t Pqr ṯnw.t 5 ḥr.w.PL-rnp.t m ḥ(ꜣ)b.PL n.w pr Wsjr mrr.w 7 ꜣḫ.PL wnm jm n kꜣ n(.j) {{⸢ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ⸣}} {{⸢jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.PL-nṯr⸣}} {{⸢Wp-wꜣ.t.PL-ꜥꜣ⸣}} {{⸢ḏd⸣}} ={{⸢f⸣}}
so that he may give an invocation offering of bread and beer, bulls and birds, alabaster and linen, all good and pure things,
bread rations, Khamet-beer, special (?) milk, butchered bulls, incense on the flame, fowl, offerings, provisions, choice meat pieces, sweets, milk of the heavenly cow,
what comes forth while libating on the great altar,
the food offerings of the temple, laden on the noble offering table in the presence of Khentamentiu
on the Wag festival, on the Thot festival, on the Haker festival, on the first procession, on the great procession, on the opening of the year, the boat journey of the god, on the burning festival, on the first day of the year festival, on the monthly festival and the half-monthly festival, on the festival of Sokar and the Sadj festival, on the procession of Min, on the resting festival of Peqer, on the numbering festival, on (the festival of) the five epagomenal days, on the festivals of the temple of Osiris, on which the Akhu like to eat,
to the Ka of the count and overseer of the priests Wepwawetaa, he says:
(aus) Zedernholz: 1 ḫꜣw.t-Opferplatte, 1 ḏsr.t-Opfertisch, 1 Kasten für die Reinigung, 1 Kasten für das (Ritual) "Geben des Hauses an seinen Herrn", (beide) ausgestattet mit allen dazu gehörigen Dingen;
aus Zedernholz: 1 ḫnt-Tisch, für den König von Ober- und Unterägypten 𓍹Cheperkare𓍺 in (der Totenkultanlage) "Die-die-Stätten(des Cheperkare)-vereint ";
aus Kupfer: 1 ḏbꜥ.t-Siegel für 𓍹Teti𓍺;
aus Zedernholz: 1 Bogen, 4 Pfeile [...]
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