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Suchergebnis: 3331–3340 von 18962 Sätzen mit Belegen (inkl. Lesevarianten).

[...] zu .[..] (?) sp[eisen] (?), zu angenehmen Einkünften (für) den Altar des Anubis-auf-seinem-Berg, in "Die-Vereinigerin-der-Stätten-des-𓍹Cheperkare𓍺", Bilden und Mundöffnen (einer Statue der) Hathor (?) [...]

[...] ... (?) diesbezüglich (?);
Eisen (und) Kupfer (?), gemacht (d.h. gefördert) 〈am(?)〉 Horusweg (?) [...];
(aus) Zedernholz: 1 Opfertisch;
Natron aus Oberägypten (?)
... (?) in [...]

O you living, who are upon earth, 〈who shall pass〉 by this tomb 〈in〉 the necropolis, going downstream and going the opposite way, may you say: "(It) is pure!

O counts, inspectors of the priests, chamberlains, may you say:
a thousand of bread and beer, bulls and fowl, alabaster and linen
for the temple of Re, Khentamenti, Wepwawet, Shu, Tefnut, Thot, Khnum, Sokar, Hemen, Geb, Nut, Min, Onuris, Amun, Ptah, Khemy, Southern and Northern Horus, Wengyt, the Ennead, Neith, Heket, Hathor, Anubis, Isis, Nephthys and Sebyt,
to the ka of the count and overseer of priests, Wepwawetaa, great chamberlain in Abydos, foremost of offices in the temple, perfect in affairs in the house of his lord, sole pillar, teacher of righteous conduct, who slaughters in the temple in the course of every day, overseer of priests, Wepwawetaa.

May hands be given to him in the neshmet barque on the ways of the west.

May he steer the oar in the night-barque, may he fare in the day-barque.

May he travel togehter with the great god in the god's journey to the opening of Peqer, the great neshmet barque on its course, on the festivals of the necropolis.

May the bull of the west exalt him, when 〈he〉 joins him at his oars.

May he hear jubilation from the mouth of Thinis on the haker-festival in the night of vigil, namely the vigil of the fighting Horus.

When I sailed downstream in order to pay homage at that great residence of His Majesty, the seal-bearers who are in the royal palace and living ones of the portal were watching me being ushered to the palace, and I was made one who enters without being called.