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Attestation Search Results

Search parameterLemma ID = 109750
Search results: 41–50 of 175 sentences with occurrences (incl. reading variants).

A thousand of bread, a thousand of beer, a thousand of bulls, a thousand of fowls, a thousand of alabaster jars, a thousand of linen cloths, a thouand of all offerings and all food for the dignified overseer of the treasury, one beloved of his lord, his praised, Meru.

I am one truly beloved of his Lord, his praised one and his beloved one, the distinguished one, Intef, born of Tjefi.

an invocation offering of bread, beer, bulls and fowl of the king's acquaintance, one truly beloved of his lord, who fills the heart of the king with his splendour, his beloved of the day until nightfall,

one like the king in pacifying the two lands, praised by him in the course of the day,

Tue das Richtige, (o) Gepriesener, den die Gepriesenen [preisen]!

Tue das Richtige, (o) Gepriesener, den die Gepriesenen preisen!

(O) Begünstigter, möge Herischef, aus dessen Haus du gekommen bist, dich begünstigen!

...sein Geliebter, sein Gelobter, sein Liebling Heqaib, (ist der,) der es gestiftet hat für seinen Vater, (und der,) der leben läßt den Namen seines Vaters, den wahren Königl. Beamten, den Würdigen Heqaib.

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: >> #1 <<, #2)
priest of Wepwawet, decorated atop his standard
- Lord of the cushion, one taller than the (other) gods,
one sharp of arrows, lord of Siut,
one who is on the thrones of Re-Atum,
a strong one, mightier than the (other) gods,
one who seized the two lands in triumph,
to whom was given the inheritance of eternity,
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt, the leader of the two lands, the leader of the gods -,
his praised, his beloved, the count Djefaihapi.

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: #1, >> #2 <<)
priest of Wepwawet, decorated atop his standard
- Lord of the cushion, one taller than the (other) gods,
one sharp of arrows, lord of Siut,
one who is on the thrones of Re-Atum,
a strong one, mightier than the (other) gods,
one who seized the two lands in triumph,
to whom was given the inheritance of eternity,
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt, the leader of the two lands, the leader of the gods -,
his praised, his beloved, the count Djefaihapi.