About the Attestation Search Results Page

Show/hide buttons


Use this button to hide/show the hieroglyphs of the sentence elements.

Switch annotation/block view

Use this button to switch between the block view and the annotation view of the sentence.

  • In the block view the transliteration and, where applicable, the hieroglyphs of the whole sentence are displayed in separate rows.
  • In the annotation view the individual sentence elements are displayed in small blocks each with their respective annotations.
    In this view, the hieroglyphs as well as the following annotations can be hidden or shown:

Lemma word class

Use this button to hide/show the word classes of the individual sentence elements.

For an overview of the different word classes employed, see here.

Gram. tagging BTS

Use this button to hide/show the grammatical annotations of the individual sentence elements according to the original encoding in the Berlin Text System (BTS).

For an overview of the glossing abbreviations of the grammatical annotations of the BTS, see here.

Note: Not all sentences in the TLA are grammatically annotated (see the tags “[G]” in the broad overview on the text corpus page). If this is not the case, ideally “(unedited)” is displayed for all sentence words, or else the ambiguous “(unspecified),” which is also used in grammatically annotated texts to mark forms whose form corresponds to that of the assigned lemma entry (base form). In these cases, only grammatical forms of the lemma are calculated for the Linguistic glossing (see below).

Linguistic glossing

Use this button to hide/show an automatically generated linguistic interlinear morphemic glossing of the individual sentence elements. This is calculated based on the word class and the grammatical encoding in the BTS (in specific cases directly on the basis of the assigned lemma).

For an overview of the linguistic glossing abbreviations, see here.

Note: In the case of sentences that have not been grammatically annotated in the BTS (see “Gram. tagging BTS” above), only the features of the lemma, not those of the eventually inflected sentence element, can be computed for the linguistic morphemic glossing. This concerns especially nominal elements, for which m.sg is computed in each case, sometimes misleadingly.

(Unfortunately, we are currently not yet able to reliably determine automatically which texts are (not) grammatically annotated, and therefore cannot react accordingly.)

Lemma translation

Use this button to hide/show the meaning of the individual sentence elements. The text authors can optionally select these in the BTS from the set of translation equivalents of the respective lemma, or they can enter them manually (contextual meaning).

Note: This possibility of a contextual specification is not always used by authors. In this case all suggested translation equivalents of the assigned lemma are displayed.

Sentence token ID

Use this button to show/hide the stable IDs of the individual sentence elements. By means of these, individual sentence elements can be cited and referred to persistently.

(The possibility to also look up sentence element IDs on the search page will be added in a later version of the TLA web application.)


Use this button to hide/show the sentence translation.

Dating of Text

Use this button to hide/show the dating of the text in which the sentence is found.

Text editor

Use this button to hide/show the main author(s) and editor(s) and the date of the latest revision of the text in which the sentence is found. The date follows the pattern MM/dd/yyyy.

Note: For technical reasons, all these information refer to the containing text as a whole, not to the individual sentence.


With this drop-down menu you can change the sorting of the result list. Basically, there is the possibility to sort in ascending and descending order according to the following criteria:

  • Dating time span, start (terminus ante quem non)
  • Dating time span, end (terminus post quem non)

If sorting by dating, texts/sentences without a dating will be listed at the end of the list (currently still unsorted).

The default setting is „Dating time span, start (asc.)‟.

Sentence presentation

Text corpus path and text passage

For each sentence a compact path is obligatorily indicated, which leads via selected corpus tree objects () towards the text () and often up to an indication of the text passage (: modern text passage indication, : line/column count). In comparison with the information in the text corpus tree, the path appears shortened to its essentials in some cases.

Note: The indication of the text passage (/) refer to the beginning of the sentence, not to the position of the lemma within the sentence.

Reference button

The “Go to/cite sentence” button takes you to a presentation of the single sentence with further metadata and citation information.