Statue of Bakenkhons, high priest of Amun (Kairo CG 42155)(Object ID UN2THZNX7JE6LLYWIPPVOEN5AM)

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Data type: Object

Object type: Statue / Figur

Materials: Kalkstein

Dimensions (H×W(×D)): 120 × 58 × 78 cm

Condition: vollständig

Comment on materiality

  • The original nose was broken off and restored in antiquity but this restored nose is now almost broken away and there is damage to the mouth and right cheek area as well. There are other small points of damage on face, body, and base. The statue’s left shoulder is broken away as is part of the back left side; the left back corner is missing. Almost the entire sixth column of the back pillar is lost; the damage to this section is visible despite the statue’s current position in the museum.

  • Finding place

    • Amunbezirk
      Certainty: certain
      Is the original place of use: Yes
      Comment on this place: Karnak cachette, opposite the north face of the 7th pylon.
      Gefunden von H. Chevrier am 15. Juni 1904 Obwohl die Statue eine Identifikationsnummer der Cachette (K 499) hat, wurde sie im Schutt ("remblais") vor dem Granittor des 7. Pylons gefunden.

Current location

  • Egyptian Museum
    Inventory no(s).: CG 42155 , JE 37522
    Is at this location: Yes

Comment on dating:

  • Cartouches of Ramesses II in text.


  • CGC 42155 is a plain block statue, slightly moulded to human form, and seated on a large and clearly defined cushion. There is a wide back pillar. The wig is a short braided double wig with echeloned side panels and partially covered ears. The facial features are carefully carved; the eyes have carved outlines, strongly curved eyebrows, and full lips. The neck is short and largely hidden from the front by a braided beard. The hands are laid flat upon the knees, palm down and are carved in low relief. The feet are covered by the garment. There is a single small base, rounded at the front to fit the body.
  • There are four columns of hieroglyphic inscription on the knees (→), six columns on the back pillar (→), and one horizontal line around the base (→). Cartouches are inscribed on both shoulders. Due to the statue’s position in the museum when the texts were checked in 2001, the back pillar and the back of the base were not visible.

Owner: Privatperson

Comment on cultural context

  • cultural context: commemorative


  • – KRI III, 295, 7–297, 3 [H]
  • – RITA III, 212–213 [Ü]
  • (13.11.2022) [B,K]
  • – DZA: Zettel 50.138.150-50.138.180 [H]
  • – Dalino, Edwin 2021. Les grands prêtres d'Égypte à l'époque ramesside: prosopographie et histoire, 2 vols. (Cahiers "Égypte Nilotique et Méditerranéenne" 30), Vol. 2, doc. 34, pp. 25–27
  • – G. Lefebvre, Sur l'âge du grand prêtre d'Amon, Bakenkhonsou, in: Revue de l'Égypte ancienne 1, 1925-1927, 138-143 [*F des Rückenpfeilers, Ü,K]
  • – Legrain, Georges 1906-1925. Statues et statuettes de rois et de particuliers de rois et de particuliers, 4 vols. Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire 30, 49, 71, 76. Le Caire: vol. 2, p. 21-23 and pl. 18 [H,P Vorderseite]
  • – Frood, E. Biographical texts from Ramessid Egypt (Writings from the Ancient World 26). Leiden / Boston, MA, 39 and 43-46. [Ü mit Photo Legrain der Vorderseite auf S. 44, Fig. 3]
  • Other bibliographical references:
  • – PM II², 1972, 169 [B]
  • – K. Jansen-Winkeln 1993. The career of the Egyptian High Priest Bakenkhons. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 52: 221–225 [K]
  • – Chr. Leblanc and Chr. Ziegler 1976. Statue-cube de Bakenkhonsou, grand prêtre d’Amon, sous Ramsès II, in: Christiane Desroches Noblecourt (ed.), Ramsès le Grand, Paris, 88–91 [P Gesicht und Schulter, Vorderseite, Knien]
  • – G. Lefebvre 1929. Histoire des grands prêtres d'Amon de Karnak jusqu'à la XXIe dynastie. Paris, 130–132 [Ü]
  • – M. Lichtheim 1997. Moral values in ancient Egypt (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 155). Freiburg (Schweiz) / Göttingen, 47–49 [Ü, Teilübersetzung]
  • – M.M. Luiselli, Die Suche nach Gottesnähe (ÄAT 73), Wiesbaden 2011, 106-107, 225-227, 231, 265-269 (Nr. A.19.3-A.19.4) [K]
  • – M. Plantikow-Münster 1969. Die Inschrift des Bꜣk-n-ḫnsw in München. ZÄS 95: 117–35 [K]
  • – Saleh Ali, Mohamed (ed.) 1999. Arte sublime nell’antico Egitto (Ausstellung Firenze, Palazzo Strozzi 06.03-04.07.1999). Firenze; Milano, p. 178–181 (cat. 42) [P Vorderseite und Dreiviertelansicht rechte Körperhälfte]
  • – R. Schulz 1992. Die Entwicklung und Bedeutung des kuboiden Statuentypus (Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 33-34). Hildesheim, vol. I, 255–6, cat. 140 (mit Skizze des Schulterbereichs/Oberseite); vol. II, pl. 58 b–c [P Vorderseite und Gesicht]

File protocol

  • – Elizabeth Frood, Transcription, translation, metadata, notes (data entered by P. Dils), 11.11.2022
  • – Peter Dils, Lemmatisation and grammatical encoding according to the transcription and translation by Frood, 13.11.2022

Author(s): Elizabeth Frood; with contributions by: Peter Dils
Data file created: 11/12/2022, latest revision: 11/27/2022
Editorial state: Verified

Please cite as:

(Full citation)
Elizabeth Frood, with contributions by Peter Dils, "Statue of Bakenkhons, high priest of Amun (Kairo CG 42155)" (Object ID UN2THZNX7JE6LLYWIPPVOEN5AM) <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Corpus issue 18, Web app version 2.1.5, 7/26/2023, ed. by Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils on behalf of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)
(Short citation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)