Sentence ID ICICIitsRMVgWEKSqZhPNlvu3Hw

Inscriptions on pectorals in Kheruef’s right hand In the cartouche between the uraeus snakes In the cartouche above the scarab In the cartouche between the crown goddesses Over the snake with white crown Over the snake with red crown

51,12 Inscriptions on pectorals in Kheruef’s right hand In the cartouche between the uraeus snakes Jmn-ḥtp.w-ḥqꜣ-Wꜣs.t In the cartouche above the scarab Nb-Mꜥꜣ.t-Rꜥw-tj.t-Rꜥw In the cartouche between the crown goddesses Nb-Mꜥꜣ.t-Rꜥw Over the snake with white crown Ḥḏ(.t)-Nḫn Over the snake with red crown Wꜣḏ.t



    Inscriptions on pectorals in Kheruef’s right hand

    Inscriptions on pectorals in Kheruef’s right hand


    In the cartouche between the uraeus snakes

    In the cartouche between the uraeus snakes


    en [nomen of Amenhotep III]


    In the cartouche above the scarab

    In the cartouche above the scarab


    en [Throne-name of Amenhotep III]


    In the cartouche between the crown goddesses

    In the cartouche between the crown goddesses


    en Nebmaatre (throne-name of Amenhotep III)


    Over the snake with white crown

    Over the snake with white crown


    en the White One of Hierakonpolis


    Over the snake with red crown

    Over the snake with red crown


    en Wadjet (cobra goddess of Lower Egypt)


en [51,12] Amenhotep Ruler-of-Thebes; Nebmaatre, the image of Re; Nebmaatre; the White One of Hierakonpolis; Wadjet

Author(s): Ariel Singer (Text file created: 08/10/2022, latest changes: 10/23/2023)

Persistent ID: ICICIitsRMVgWEKSqZhPNlvu3Hw
Persistent URL:

Please cite as:

(Full citation)
Ariel Singer, Sentence ID ICICIitsRMVgWEKSqZhPNlvu3Hw <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Corpus issue 18, Web app version 2.1.2, 11/24/2023, ed. by Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils on behalf of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)
(Short citation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)