Token ID ICIDF0GsX3kp0Es0npcybQE2RvA
while my heart spent the day in her festival,
I saw the lady of the two lands in sleep,
and so she placed joy in my heart.
Satzinger (1985, 252) offers a parallel: jr hrw prj=k m ḥpt=k “on the day when you come out from your embrace” (KRI I, 85, 13). He suggests this correction for nfr.t.
mꜣꜣ m qd.t: The narrative motif of a divinely inspired dream, which is first attested in eighteenth dynasty royal inscriptions (Szpakowska 2003, 47–52), is also known from another Ramessid biography in the tomb of Djehutyemheb (KRI VII, 153, 6–154, 7; Assmann 1978; 1999). My rendering of qd as a state of sleep in which dreaming occurs follows Gerhards (2021: 191–192).
wršu̯ m ḥꜣb: Satzinger (1985, 252; see also Szpakowska 2003, 136–37, 142) suggests that this phrase indicates that Ipuy was not physically present at a festival when the dream was received, i.e. not at the temple or sanctuary, but that the festival and its associated offerings and activities provided the setting for his experience. He also understands this clause is a continuation of the time reference rather than a main clause.
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(Full citation)Elizabeth Frood, with contributions by Peter Dils, Daniel A. Werning, Token ID ICIDF0GsX3kp0Es0npcybQE2RvA <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Corpus issue 19, Web app version 2.2.0, 11/5/2024, ed. by Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils on behalf of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)(Short citation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (accessed: xx.xx.20xx)
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