Sentence ID IBUBd7TgfVlhSkyev1RqQIRHieI

As for this tomb, which I made in the desert of the sacred land, in the midst of the/my ancestors who had created my flesh (and of) the dignitaries of the first (primeval) time, the possessors of monuments as ancient office-holders, the primeval ones (?) who started with the making of the sandbank of Heqet since the time of Geb, I built it in order to make lasting my place in their midst in the realm of the dead (lit. nome of silence).

  • - m-ḥr.j-jb jt.w: Sethe (1927, 108, oberste Zeile) liest jt.w=j: "meine Vorfahren".
    - pꜣw.tjw: Sethe (1927, 107) scheint von einem aktiven Partizip Plural pꜣ.w auszugehen: "von Urzeiten her daseiende". Diese Stelle ist im Wb. I, 496.14 unter pꜣ abgelegt (DZA 23.116.890).
    - spꜣ.t jgr.t: Sethe (1924, 72, Anm. a) and Obsomer (2001, 537) read spꜣ.t=j "my nome being in silence", Lichtheim (1988, 77, note 6) spꜣ.t=j grt "and my district also", but neither makes much sense here. Für spꜣ.t-jgr.t mit dieser Graphie von jgr.t siehe CT V, 333h und CT VII, 221o. Statt m-ḥr.j-jb=s〈n〉 〈m〉 spꜣ.t-jgr.t kann man auch zu m-ḥr.j-jb{=s} spꜣ.t-jgr.t emendieren: "within the realm of the dead".

    Commentary author: Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils; with contributions by: Altägyptisches Wörterbuch ; Data file created: before June 2015 (1992–2015), latest revision: 06/26/2015

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Persistent ID: IBUBd7TgfVlhSkyev1RqQIRHieI
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(Full citation)
Renata Landgrafova & Peter Dils, with contributions by Altägyptisches Wörterbuch, Peter Dils, Johannes Jüngling, Daniel A. Werning, Sentence ID IBUBd7TgfVlhSkyev1RqQIRHieI <>, in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, Corpus issue 19, Web app version 2.2.0, 11/5/2024, ed. by Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils on behalf of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (accessed: 1/10/2025)
(Short citation), in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (accessed: 1/10/2025)