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Attestation Search Results

Search parameterLemma ID = 856130
Search results: 1–4 of 4 sentences with occurrences (incl. reading variants).

3 Zerstörung ⸢sḥḏ⸣ Zerstörung


I did every good in the temple of the Mistress of All (i.e. Nekhbet), I spent all years 〈as〉 an inspector of those who go down to the temple, and I did what the priests praised.

I was, after all, the first of his generation,
a leader of his troops,
one who found the (right) phrase when he was asked for it,
giving the answer at once and to the point;

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: >> #1 <<, #2)
Der Aufseher(?)/Die Instruktion des (?) Osiris, Vorsteher(s) der Flotte des Königs, Tja-en-na-hebu, den die Ta-neferet-iyti geboren hat, sagt/indem er sagt: