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Sentences of Text 5D5ST6HPRRG4FEQKZZEWHNX36E

I was a precise one in the house of his lord, who knew the cicrculation of flattery when spoken.
I was generous, with extended hand, possessor of provision, free from neglect.
I was a friend of the little, sweet of charm to the one who did not have (anything).
I was one who looked after the hungry who did not have (any)thing, one with extended hand to the weak.
unteres Textregister, 10 Kolumnen, von rechts nach links

unteres Textregister, 10 Kolumnen, von rechts nach links B11 jnk rḫ n n.tj n rḫ =f sbꜣ z ꜣḫ.t(j) =s(j) n =f

I was one knowing for the one who did not know, who taught a man that which would be beneficial for him.
I was a precise one of the king's palace, one who knew that which was said in every office.
I was a listener listening to justice, who let pass what was unimportant (?).
I was one pleasing for the house of his lord, who was remembered for his successful deeds.
I was good within the offices, a kind one, free from piggishness.