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Sentences of text DKS43ZA5FNG6DPWYX44SBAFG7M


Oben abgerundete Stele Nur der obere Bereich der Stele ist erhalten Die Inschrift fängt im Giebelfeld an


en Horus Sema-tawy, Two Ladies Sema-tawy, Golden Horus [Qa-shuty], King of Upper and Lower Egypt 𓍹[Nebhepetra]𓍺, who lives forever like Re.

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: >> #1 <<, #2)

en His true and trusted servant, who does everything that he praises in the course of every day, [the sealer (?)] An[tef]nakht/On[uris]nakht, who says:

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: >> #1 <<, #2)

en I spent years(?) in the house of Khety,


en the royal palace - its every chamber - being under my control, making firm the entire royal palace, {making firm the entire royal palace}, making satisfied the venerable gods in the temples of Upper Egypt:
