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Attestation Search Results

Search parameterLemma ID = 134820
Search results: 1–10 of 196 sentences with occurrences (incl. reading variants).

Ich bin der, der berichten (=anklagen) wird über dich und deine Kinder.

Berichte davon - denn du bist am Platz der Rechtfertigung.

jnk jgr.t smj 7 längere Lücke

I was one who reported (or: to whom was reported) [... ... ...]

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: >> #1 <<, #2)
... ... ...] his lord, one who enters to his lord without being announced, his own speech reporting on that which he had made hale (?), ... [... ... ...

(One of 2 reading variants of this sentence: #1, >> #2 <<)
... ... ...] his lord, one who enters to his lord without being announced, his own speech reporting on that which he had made hale (?), ... [... ... ...

I reported to my lord myself.

Then I reported on it to him,

one who acts as a fortress over all that is and that is not,
one foremost of offices in the royal palace,
lord of the old time since the time of the ancestors,
king's favourite in his palace in keeping the commoners away from him,
to whom the great ones come bending to the gate of the palace,
supervisor of estate personnel, leader of officals, whom the great ones greet,
one who is in front of the courtiers who draw nigh to the palace,
one who knows the hidden one on the day of speaking,
an official great in incense,
possessor of dignity on the day of bringing the lowly,
one who reports to the king in private,
one whose seat is near (the king) on the day of assembly,
to whom the king reveals his word in order to be a gateway with respect to it,
a true one on the day of representation (?), one without transgression.

8,4 D224 spd ḥr n ꜥq smj

Vorsichtig ist der (wörtl.: scharf ist das Gesicht dessen), der eintritt, indem er angemeldet ist.

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